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Small Fish Cross Silver Auto Emblem


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Small Fish Cross Silver Auto Emblem





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ISBN: 608200010203

Here is an easy, inexpensive way to decorate your car while witnessing to your Christian faith! Silver tone Ichthus (Jesus Fish) emblem, with a small cross inside, is about 2 1/2 long, 7/8 wide and 1/8 thick. Made of durable, heavy-duty plastic with weatherproof finish. Back of display card package has easy application instructions and also a brief explanation of the meaning of the Jesus fish symbol and the cross. Caution: adhesive is permanent. Manufacturer is not liable for damage to personal property if emblem is removed later. copyright Harbor House(R) Gifts
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Head Office StockYes
Le Mall Dbayeh StockYes
City Mall Dora StockYes

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